Roman Reigns is ‘THE GUY’ as he loves to proclaim. Here are 5 defining moments in his WWE career so far.

Roman Reigns is a name many a WWE fan is tired of hearing. He’s the heir to the throne, he’s the chosen one, and he’s the one that Vince McMahon has bet his last dollar on. As the new face of the WWE, Reigns’ rapid rise to fame has taken place over the past few years. In those years, we as fans have witnessed some pivotal moments involving the Big Dog.
Some of those moments have been awe-inspiring, others have been hard to watch. Regardless of the outcome, Reigns has been the centrepiece of WWE programming recently and long will he continue to be.
Here are 5 career turning moments for Roman Reigns.
#5 Royal Rumble in 2014

Believe it or not, there was a time when cheering Roman Reigns was cool. At one point, the fans were clamouring for him to win the Royal Rumble in 2014. They couldn’t stomach the fact that a movie star in Batista had swanned in from Hollywood and won the biggest match of the year.
For Roman, it’s a night that’ll stand out in his memory, a night where the hardcore fans were in full support of him, for the last time. The night will go down in history as a missed opportunity for the WWE to truly make Roman into a star.
It should have been the crowning moment to turn a hand-picked McMahon guy into the man the fans actually wanted, instead, Vince chose a part-timer to main event Wrestlemania. Thank God the Daniel Bryan tsunami hit just in time to save the show of shows.