RRB Group D result 2018: Indian Railways to release the shortlist for PET on March 4
RRB Group D result 2018: Finally, the RRB Group D result will be declared on March 4. According to a notification from the RRB, the RRB Group D result for Computer Based Test or CBT held from September 2018 to December 2018 will be released by 3.00 pm on Monday. The RRB Group D result will be released on the official website of respective Railway Recruitment Board or RRB of Indian Railways every candidate opted for. Mere selection in RRB Group D result of CBT is not the only criteria to be appointed finally for the dream job you are vying for. Some more steps to be completed before the final appointment letter from the Indian Railways reaches you.
RRB Group D Result: 10 Important Indian Railway Recruitment Board Rules

RRB Group D result: There are some more formalities to complete before the final result
Here are 10 important Railways’ recruitment rules every candidate must be familiar with before checking for their RRB Group D result:
1. Candidates qualified in the CBT shall have to undergo Physical Efficiency Test (PET). Marks will be normalized in the CBT.
2. There shall be negative marking for incorrect answers in the CBT. 1/3 of the marks allotted for each question shall be deducted for wrong answer.
3. Admission to all stages of recruitment process shall be purely provisional, subject to the candidates satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions.
4. RRBs conduct verification of eligibility conditions with reference to original documents only after the candidates have qualified in RRB Group result in all the stages of examinations and are shortlisted for Document Verification. RRBs may reject the candidature of any applicant at any stage of recruitment process in case the candidate is found to be not fulfilling the requisite criteria and if appointed, such a candidate shall be removed from service summarily.
5. The selection of RRB once exercised shall be final.
6. Candidates must ensure that they fulfill the prescribed medical standards for the post(s) they are opting for. Candidates who are found medically unsuitable for the opted post(s) shall not be given any alternative appointment
7. The salary benefits of RRB Group D will be 7th CPC Pay Matrix with initial pay of ₹18000/- plus other allowances admissible at that time.
8. Candidature of such candidates who have been debarred by any RRB/Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC) either for life or for a specified period which is not yet completed will be rejected during any stage of recruitment as and when detected.
9. On completion of all stages of recruitment process after the final RRB Group D result, RRBs shall allot post and Railway as per the option of the candidates only subject to merit, medical standard and vacancy position. Once candidates have been empanelled as per their merit/choice, they will forfeit the right to be considered for any other post/category. However RRBs also reserve the right to allot post/Railway/Unit not opted by the candidates, if considered necessary in administrative interest, subject to the candidate(s) meeting the requirements of the post concerned.
10. Once your final RRB Group D result is declared, selected candidates have to execute Security and/or Indemnity Bond wherever necessary.